Compassionate Live-in And Visiting Home Care Services

Professional, personal, and committed care for the elderly and older adults at risk in Devon

Helping you or your relatives live a fulfilling, independent life safely at home with flexible, cost-effective, and exceptional personal care.

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Jul 2024


Journal of my first month as a new carer

Sandra Wright  General

Journal of my first month as a new carer image

We asked one of our new recruits to tell us what it's like to be a carer not having a health and social care background... this is what Jess said... My First Month as a Carer It has been one month...

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Journal of my first month as a new carer

26th Jul 2024

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There’s care, and then there’s rural care...

19th Jun 2024

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Joining a growing team with a genuine purpose

7th Nov 2023

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Preparing for the Winter

13th Sep 2022

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